You can login to with the same account used for the r3DPhoto app. When you uploaded the 3D scan with the r3DPhoto app to r3Dent then you can choose the 3D scan or find it under the files menu.
Using the mouse pointer measure the reference line on the tooth by holding down the click button and dragging across the reference line.
The input box on the right shows the measurement of the line. Change the input to the correct real world length. If the reference line on the tooth is 1cm input 10mm.
Now you can check that the reference line on the tooth displays the correct measurement. Scaling of the tooth has been successful.
After scaling you can select the crop function on the right menu in order to crop unnecceasy parts of the model.
A blue crop bounding box appears. By rotating the model you can select the side of the bounding box you want to move to crop the model. In this case we select the bottom side.
On the right menu, drag the slider to move the selected side of the crop bounding box. Choose the desired length.
When the crop was successful and no more cropping is needed, end the crop function by clicking the finish button.
After clicking finish the 3D model converts to a 3D printable file. That is why the color of the model is removed.
When the 3D model needs areas to be fixed, by adding or removing material, select the fill function on the right menu.
Choose the add mode to add material to the model in order to fill up holes or add broken parts.
Choose the size of the brush from small, medium or large. You can see the brush size changes the area of the mouse pointer.
Choose the area of the tooth that needs material to be added. Click and hold the mouse pointer and drag along the area of the tooth to add material to the tooth in order to fill up holes or add broken off parts.
Choose the subtract mode to remove material of the model if there are unwanted bumps.
Choose the area of the tooth that needs material to be removed. Click and hold the mouse pointer and drag along the area of the tooth to remove material of the tooth.