What to do when the extracted tooth is broken?

April 13, 2022

The 3D printer is set up and everything is ready to create a dental implant. Now the tooth just needs to be extracted and there it is, the crown of the tooth is partially or even completely broken off. Can it still be saved and is this tooth still suitable for a scan? - Yes, it is still possible.
There are two ways to save the tooth.
If only a small part of the crown is broken off, this piece can be easily repaired with our web app r3Dent.app. How this works exactly can be read in our online guide, or watched in the tutorial video.
However, if the crown has just broken off at the top, you can simply glue this part to the rest of the tooth with plasticine and thus scan everything as usual.
We have already been able to achieve great results this way.

Creating a 3D Printed Dental Implant from a broken tooth
Franziska Westerhoff
written by

Franziska Westerhoff

Management Assistant